



pISSN: 1975-7697

한국학교지역보건교육학회, Vol.23 no.2 (2022)

DOI : 10.35133/kssche.20220531.001

- 일개 군 지역 보건소 공무원의 직무특성과 조직몰입이 직무만족에 미치는 영향 : 다른 직렬 공무원과 비교 -


(동양대학교 보건의료행정학과 교수)

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting job satisfaction of Public Health Center Officials in rural area. Methods: The 345 survey samples were divided into public health center officials(n=56) and other serial officials(n=289). Data were analyzed with χ2, two sample t-test and regression analysis. Results: First, public health center officials showed a significantly higher job commitment and job satisfaction than other serial civil officials. Second, public health center officials showed the effect of only job commitment on job satisfaction whereas other serial civil officials showed the effect of both job characteristics and job commitment on job satisfaction Conclusion: In order to increase of job satisfaction and provide health education services to the community, it was necessary to improve of motivation and working condition of public health officials.

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