



pISSN: 1975-7697

한국학교지역보건교육학회, Vol.22 no.2 (2021)

DOI : 10.35133/kssche.20210531.001

- COVID-19로 인한 가정경제 악화가 청소년의 자살경향성에 미치는 효과 분석 : 성향점수매칭 분석의 적용 -


(한림대학교 자살과 학생정신건강연구소 연구교수)


(한림대학교 자살과 학생정신건강연구소 연구원)


(한림대학교 자살과 학생정신건강연구소 연구원)


(한림대학교 자살과 학생정신건강연구소 연구원)

Objectives: The study aimed to analyze the effects of household financial difficulties caused by COVID-19 (2019 coronavirus disease) on suicidal tendencies of adolescents. Methods: We selected 54,948 middle and high school students who were surveyed based on the Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey 2020. To analyze the data, we used the STATA 16.0 program to conduct propensity score matching (PSM). Results: After controlling for selection effects by using PSM, the household financial difficulties caused by COVID-19 maintained a significant predictive effect on increasing suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and decreasing tendency in hospital-treated after suicide attempts. However, depressive symptoms and suicide plan did not show a significant correlation with household financial difficulties associated with COVID-19. Conclusions: It was found that the rate of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among adolescents who experienced a household financial difficulties due to COVID-19. Therefore, It can provide empirical evidence for estimating the impact of COVID-19 on adolescent suicide rates.

다운로드 리스트