



pISSN: 1975-7697

한국학교지역보건교육학회, Vol.20 no.3 (2019)

DOI : 10.35133/kssche.20191231.010

- 부산지역 일부 학교 내 구강보건교육 경험에 따른 간식섭취 및 칫솔질 행태에 연구 : 초등학교 4학년을 중심으로 -


(동의대학교 대학원 보건의과학과 및 임상치위생학연구소)


(동의대학교 대학원 보건의과학과 및 임상치위생학연구소)


(동의대학교 대학원 보건의과학과 및 임상치위생학연구소)


(동의대학교 대학원 보건의과학과 및 임상치위생학연구소)


(동의대학교 대학원 보건의과학과 및 임상치위생학연구소, 동의대학교 치위생학과 부교수)

Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the snack intake and brushing behavior according to the oral health education experience in some schools in Busan, and to investigate whether the oral health education experience affects the snack intake and brushing behavior. Methods: This study surveyed the entire fourth grade of elementary school in two districts by participating in university-linked oral health education activities run under the jurisdiction of the education office business to examine changes in the behavior of elementary school students in their snack intake and toothbrush. The survey was conducted on oral health education in elementary schools, prior oral health education experience before and after the activity, whether or not the brushing classroom was operated, and contents related to eating snacks and brushing behaviors. Result: Among the general characteristics of some schools in Busan, 69.9% of students have experience in oral health education and 30.1% of people have no experience in oral health education. 20.0%, 16.3% were 'normal' and 63.7% were 'helpful'. The brushing behavior according to the oral health education was 44.9% in the number of brushings, 44.9% in the number of brushings, 45.7% in 2-3 minutes in the time of brushing, 41.2% in the brushing method by sweeping the brush up and down. In the daily brushing period, 'after breakfast' was the highest at 72.3%, and the parent's brushing instruction was 'to lead' at 65.1%. The amount of sugar in subjective snacks was the highest with 60.6% of sugar content, and the parents had the highest level of 52.2% for parents' snack intake. This result was more significant than the students without oral health education experience. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the number and time of brushing, the method and timing of brushing according to the experience of oral health education. Students who had oral health education experience higher than those who did not have oral health education, but had a lower tendency to brush after lunch at school and before going to bed. For better oral health, the effect of oral health education will be better if the school has more systematic toothbrushing at lunch time and parental guidance at home.

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